I hope everyone is enjoying the Holiday season. We appreciate your patience as we get our New facility up and running. We are still working and putting some finishing touches together but we can't wait to show off the amazing new space we have.
Our Re-Opening Date is Tuesday January 3rd

Versus Fitness 2017
Here is the Class Schedule for Tuesday January 3rd
Morning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 10:30am-12:30pm (NO Muay Thai just yet)
Kids Adv Combination - 4:30pm
AVK -5:30
BJJ Beginning Fundamentals-6:30pm
BJJ 201 Intermediate-7:30pm
No Evening Muay Thai. Our First Muay Thai Class will be Wednesday January 4th at 6:30pm with Coach Ondre
Any Questions? Please Call/Text 562-743-2866